Bósons duo, formed by Catarina Marques and Aya Masui is an artistic duo based in Luzern, Switzerland. 


Our main focus is to explore and experiment with sound, in particular how it propagates, resonates and carries intonation. Our artistic paths came together when we realised that we aim for something in common, to delve deeper into the understanding on how sound behaves in different physical spaces using different materials, and to observe the relationship between sound and motion. 

Soon this interest led us to find our name: Bósons. While Bosóns aren’t directly involved in music, they are closely related to the principles of vibrations and waves. Bósons are elementary particles in physics that tend to group together and play an important role in processes like the transmission of light and energy. We see a connection on how sound waves move and interact, much like how Bósons facilitate energy in physics.

For this reason we came up with a performance series called "null+", a long-term project that aims to expand our knowledge about sound diffusion in different settings. This requires an adaptability of our principal set-up (campanula, snare drum, objects and fish lines) to every space we perform in, allowing for a dynamic exploration of sound in diverse contexts. ​



Tuning In